Church of nigeria new liturgy

The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) has a rich liturgical tradition, and in recent years, there have been efforts to revise and update the liturgy to make it more relevant and accessible to contemporary worshipers. Here are some key features of the new liturgy:

Background: In 2012, the Church of Nigeria launched a comprehensive review of its liturgy, which was aimed at updating the language, style, and content to reflect the needs and aspirations of the contemporary Nigerian church. The review was led by a committee of bishops, clergy, and laity, who consulted widely with experts and worshipers across the country.

Key features: The new liturgy, which was introduced in 2015, has several key features that aim to enhance the worship experience:

  1. Simplified language: The language used in the liturgy is simpler and more accessible to a wider audience, while still maintaining the richness and depth of the Anglican tradition.
  2. Inclusive language: The liturgy uses inclusive language, avoiding gender-specific pronouns and addressing God as "Father, Son, and Holy Spirit" rather than "He" or "Him".
  3. Increased emphasis on the Holy Spirit: The new liturgy places greater emphasis on the role of the Holy Spirit in worship, reflecting the importance of the Spirit in the life of the church.
  4. More opportunities for participation: The liturgy includes more opportunities for worshipers to participate actively in the service, through prayers, hymns, and other forms of worship.
  5. Greater emphasis on the sacraments: The liturgy places greater emphasis on the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion, recognizing their importance in the life of the church.
  6. Incorporation of African cultural elements: The liturgy incorporates elements of African culture and tradition, such as the use of African music and dance, to make worship more relevant and meaningful to Nigerian worshipers.

Structure: The new liturgy follows a similar structure to the traditional Anglican liturgy, with the following key elements:

  1. Gathering: The service begins with a gathering of worshipers, which includes a welcome, a prayer, and a hymn.
  2. Proclamation: The service includes a proclamation of the Word, which includes readings from Scripture and a sermon.
  3. Prayer: The service includes a variety of prayers, including the Lord's Prayer, prayers for the church and the world, and prayers for the sick and the dying.
  4. Communion: The service includes a celebration of Holy Communion, which is seen as a central act of worship and a means of encountering God.
  5. Sending: The service concludes with a sending of worshipers, which includes a blessing and a dismissal.

Implementation: The new liturgy has been implemented in many parishes and dioceses across Nigeria, although its adoption has been gradual and uneven. Some parishes have adopted the new liturgy wholesale, while others have incorporated elements of it into their existing worship practices.