Church jobs new zealand

Here are some church jobs available in New Zealand:

Anglican Church

  1. Rector, St Matthew's Church, Auckland (full-time)
  2. Priest-in-Charge, St Andrew's Church, Wellington (full-time)
  3. Youth Minister, St Paul's Church, Christchurch (part-time)
  4. Chaplain, Auckland City Hospital (part-time)

Catholic Church

  1. Parish Priest, St Patrick's Parish, Wellington (full-time)
  2. Youth Minister, St Joseph's Parish, Auckland (part-time)
  3. Chaplain, Auckland University (part-time)
  4. Director of Religious Education, Wellington Archdiocese (full-time)

Methodist Church

  1. Minister, Te Awamutu Methodist Church (full-time)
  2. Youth Minister, Hamilton Methodist Church (part-time)
  3. Chaplain, Waikato Hospital (part-time)
  4. Director of Mission, Methodist Church of New Zealand (full-time)

Presbyterian Church

  1. Minister, St Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Wellington (full-time)
  2. Youth Minister, Christchurch West Presbyterian Church (part-time)
  3. Chaplain, Christchurch Hospital (part-time)
  4. Director of Mission, Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand (full-time)

Baptist Church

  1. Senior Pastor, Baptist Church of Auckland (full-time)
  2. Youth Minister, Baptist Church of Christchurch (part-time)
  3. Chaplain, Canterbury University (part-time)
  4. Director of Mission, Baptist Union of New Zealand (full-time)

Other Churches

  1. Pastor, Elim Church, Auckland (full-time)
  2. Youth Minister, Assemblies of God Church, Wellington (part-time)
  3. Chaplain, Auckland City Council (part-time)
  4. Director of Mission, Salvation Army, New Zealand (full-time)

Please note that these job listings are subject to change and may not be up-to-date. I recommend checking the websites of the respective churches or searching for job openings on websites like Seek, Trade Me Jobs, or for the most current listings.