Atiku volunteers to join coronavirus battle

That's great to hear! Atiku Abubakar, the former Vice President of Nigeria, has indeed volunteered to join the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

In a statement, Atiku expressed his willingness to contribute his skills and expertise to the national response to the pandemic. He emphasized the need for collective action and collaboration to combat the virus, and pledged to work with relevant authorities and stakeholders to support the efforts.

Atiku's decision to join the battle against COVID-19 is a testament to his commitment to the well-being and safety of the Nigerian people. His experience in public service and his reputation as a leader with a strong sense of social responsibility make him a valuable asset in this fight.

It's heartening to see individuals like Atiku taking proactive steps to support the national response to the pandemic. His involvement will undoubtedly inspire others to do the same, and together, we can work towards containing the spread of the virus and mitigating its impact on our communities.

Let's continue to support Atiku and other individuals who are volunteering their time and resources to combat COVID-19. Together, we can overcome this challenge and emerge stronger and more resilient.