Christian marriage new extractor

Here is a new extractor for Christian marriage:

Christian Marriage Extractor


The Christian marriage is a sacred institution ordained by God, and it is essential to understand its biblical principles and practices. This extractor aims to provide a comprehensive overview of Christian marriage, including its biblical foundation, characteristics, and expectations.

Biblical Foundation

The Bible provides the foundation for Christian marriage. In Genesis 2:24, God says, "Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." This verse emphasizes the unity and oneness of marriage, which is a reflection of God's relationship with His people.

Characteristics of Christian Marriage

  1. Submission: Christian marriage is built on the principle of submission. Wives are to submit to their husbands (Ephesians 5:22-24), and husbands are to love and cherish their wives (Ephesians 5:25-33).
  2. Love: Christian marriage is based on love. Husbands are to love their wives as Christ loved the church (Ephesians 5:25-33), and wives are to love their husbands as their own bodies (Ephesians 5:28-33).
  3. Fidelity: Christian marriage is a lifelong commitment to each other, and to God. Husbands and wives are to remain faithful to each other, and to God, throughout their lives.
  4. Communication: Christian marriage requires effective communication. Husbands and wives are to communicate openly and honestly with each other, and to seek God's guidance in their relationship.
  5. Forgiveness: Christian marriage requires forgiveness. Husbands and wives are to forgive each other, and to seek God's forgiveness when they fail.

Expectations of Christian Marriage

  1. Spiritual Growth: Christian marriage is a journey of spiritual growth. Husbands and wives are to grow in their faith, and to seek God's guidance in their relationship.
  2. Mutual Support: Christian marriage is a partnership of mutual support. Husbands and wives are to support each other, and to encourage each other in their spiritual journeys.
  3. Prayer: Christian marriage is a partnership of prayer. Husbands and wives are to pray for each other, and to seek God's guidance in their relationship.
  4. Accountability: Christian marriage is a partnership of accountability. Husbands and wives are to hold each other accountable, and to seek God's guidance in their relationship.


Christian marriage is a sacred institution that is built on the principles of submission, love, fidelity, communication, and forgiveness. It is a lifelong commitment to each other, and to God, and it requires spiritual growth, mutual support, prayer, and accountability. By following these principles, Christian couples can build a strong and lasting marriage that honors God and brings joy and fulfillment to their lives.