Christchurch hospital new zealand

Christchurch Hospital is a major public hospital located in Christchurch, New Zealand. It is one of the largest hospitals in the South Island and provides a wide range of medical and surgical services to the people of Canterbury and the surrounding regions.

Here are some key facts about Christchurch Hospital:

  1. Location: The hospital is located in the central city area of Christchurch, with easy access to public transportation and parking.
  2. Services: Christchurch Hospital provides a wide range of medical and surgical services, including:
    • Emergency department
    • Intensive care unit
    • Surgical services (including orthopedic, neurosurgical, and cardiothoracic surgery)
    • Medical services (including cardiology, gastroenterology, and nephrology)
    • Maternity services
    • Pediatric services
    • Rehabilitation services
  3. Facilities: The hospital has a range of facilities, including:
    • 600 beds
    • 12 operating theaters
    • 24-hour emergency department
    • Intensive care unit with 24 beds
    • Neonatal intensive care unit with 12 beds
    • Pediatric ward with 24 beds
    • Rehabilitation unit with 24 beds
  4. Staff: Christchurch Hospital has a team of over 6,000 staff, including doctors, nurses, allied health professionals, and administrative staff.
  5. Research: The hospital is also involved in medical research, with a focus on areas such as cancer, cardiology, and neurosciences.
  6. History: Christchurch Hospital has a long history dating back to 1862, when it was established as a small hospital with 12 beds. Over the years, the hospital has undergone several expansions and renovations, including a major rebuild following the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquakes.

Some of the notable services and facilities at Christchurch Hospital include:

Overall, Christchurch Hospital is a major healthcare provider in the South Island, offering a wide range of medical and surgical services to the people of Canterbury and beyond.