Bayelsa guber poll challenged court

You're referring to the recent gubernatorial election in Bayelsa State, Nigeria, and the subsequent court challenges.

To bring you up to speed, the Bayelsa State gubernatorial election was held on November 16, 2019. The election was contested by several candidates, including the incumbent Governor, Seriake Dickson, of the People's Democratic Party (PDP), and the candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), David Lyon.

After the election, the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) declared David Lyon of the APC as the winner, with 352,552 votes, while the PDP candidate, Douye Diri, came second with 143,177 votes.

However, the PDP and its candidate, Douye Diri, challenged the outcome of the election at the Supreme Court, citing irregularities and non-compliance with electoral laws. The PDP also alleged that the APC candidate, David Lyon, was not qualified to contest the election due to a certificate forgery scandal.

On February 13, 2020, the Supreme Court nullified the election of David Lyon as the winner of the Bayelsa State gubernatorial election and declared the PDP candidate, Douye Diri, as the winner. The court ruled that the APC candidate, David Lyon, was not qualified to contest the election due to a certificate forgery scandal.

The Supreme Court's decision was based on a petition filed by the PDP, which alleged that David Lyon presented a forged certificate to INEC. The court held that the APC candidate's certificate was forged and that he was not qualified to contest the election.

The decision of the Supreme Court was a major upset, as it meant that the APC candidate, David Lyon, who was declared the winner of the election, was not recognized as the winner. Instead, the PDP candidate, Douye Diri, was declared the winner of the election.

The outcome of the election has been a subject of controversy, with both parties claiming victory. The APC has vowed to challenge the decision of the Supreme Court, while the PDP has hailed the decision as a victory for democracy.

It's worth noting that the Bayelsa State gubernatorial election was a closely watched election, with many observers monitoring the process. The election was seen as a test of the country's democratic institutions and the ability of the electoral commission to conduct free and fair elections.

In conclusion, the Bayelsa State gubernatorial election was a closely contested election that was marred by controversy and allegations of irregularities. The Supreme Court's decision to nullify the election and declare the PDP candidate, Douye Diri, as the winner has been a major upset, and both parties are still contesting the outcome of the election.