Chip ghetto gospel the new testament

It seems like you're interested in exploring the intersection of hip-hop and Christianity! "Ghetto Gospel" is a song by 2Pac featuring Elton John, and it's indeed a powerful track that blends hip-hop with gospel music.

The song's lyrics are a reflection of 2Pac's experiences growing up in the inner city, and the gospel-inspired chorus adds a sense of hope and redemption to the track. The song's message is one of perseverance and overcoming adversity, which is a common theme in both hip-hop and Christian music.

As for "The New Testament," I'm assuming you're referring to the Bible's second half, which contains the accounts of Jesus Christ's life, death, and resurrection, as well as the letters of the apostles and other early Christian writings.

If you're interested in exploring the intersection of hip-hop and Christianity, there are many artists and albums that blend the two genres. Some notable examples include:

These artists, along with many others, are helping to push the boundaries of what it means to be a Christian in the hip-hop world. They're using their music to spread messages of hope, redemption, and faith, and to connect with a younger generation of Christians who are looking for music that speaks to their experiences and struggles.