Faleke criticizes bello says gov not carrying people along

It seems like you're referring to a news article or a statement made by Faleke, a politician, criticizing Bello, another politician, and the Governor of a state in Nigeria.

From what I gather, Faleke is accusing the Governor, Bello, of not carrying the people along in his governance. This means that Faleke believes the Governor is not involving the citizens or the people of the state in the decision-making process, and is instead making decisions without their input or consideration.

Faleke's criticism may be suggesting that the Governor is not transparent, accountable, or responsive to the needs and concerns of the people, which can lead to feelings of exclusion, marginalization, and dissatisfaction among the citizens.

It's worth noting that this kind of criticism can be a common occurrence in politics, especially when there are differences in opinion or ideology between politicians. However, it's also important for politicians to engage in constructive dialogue and work together to address the needs and challenges facing their constituents.

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