Chinese station news on dstv

You're looking for Chinese news channels on DSTV!

Here are a few options:

  1. CGTN (China Global Television Network): CGTN is a Chinese state-owned television network that offers news, documentaries, and current affairs programs. It's available on DSTV channel 412.
  2. CCTV News: CCTV News is another Chinese state-owned television network that provides news, analysis, and documentaries. It's available on DSTV channel 413.
  3. Phoenix Chinese News Channel: Phoenix Chinese News Channel is a Chinese-language news channel that offers news, current affairs, and entertainment programs. It's available on DSTV channel 414.

Please note that the availability of these channels may vary depending on your DSTV package and location. You can check the DSTV channel guide or the DSTV website for more information.

Additionally, you can also consider subscribing to other international news channels that offer Chinese-language programming, such as: