Chinese new year videos

Here are some popular Chinese New Year videos that you can watch:

Traditional Chinese New Year Videos

  1. "Chinese New Year (Spring Festival) - A Cultural Celebration" by BBC News: This video provides an overview of the Chinese New Year celebrations, including the traditions and customs associated with the holiday.
  2. "Chinese New Year: A Guide to the Traditions and Customs" by The Culture Trip: This video explains the different traditions and customs associated with Chinese New Year, including the significance of the red envelope, the dragon dance, and the lion dance.
  3. "Chinese New Year: A Cultural Celebration" by China Daily: This video showcases the vibrant and colorful celebrations of Chinese New Year in China, including the parades, fireworks, and traditional performances.

Chinese New Year Videos for Kids

  1. "Chinese New Year for Kids: A Fun and Educational Video" by National Geographic Kids: This video is designed for kids and explains the basics of Chinese New Year, including the significance of the dragon and the lion, and the traditions associated with the holiday.
  2. "Chinese New Year: A Fun and Colorful Celebration" by PBS Kids: This video features a fun and colorful animation that explains the traditions and customs associated with Chinese New Year, including the red envelope and the dragon dance.
  3. "Chinese New Year for Kids: A Fun and Educational Video" by Scholastic Kids: This video is designed for kids and explains the basics of Chinese New Year, including the significance of the dragon and the lion, and the traditions associated with the holiday.

Chinese New Year Videos with Music and Dance

  1. "Chinese New Year: A Musical Celebration" by The Chinese Culture Center: This video features a lively and colorful performance that celebrates the traditions and customs associated with Chinese New Year, including the dragon dance and the lion dance.
  2. "Chinese New Year: A Dance Celebration" by The Hong Kong Ballet: This video features a beautiful and energetic dance performance that celebrates the traditions and customs associated with Chinese New Year.
  3. "Chinese New Year: A Musical Celebration" by The Shanghai Symphony Orchestra: This video features a beautiful and lively musical performance that celebrates the traditions and customs associated with Chinese New Year.

Chinese New Year Videos with Food and Cooking

  1. "Chinese New Year: A Culinary Celebration" by The Food Ranger: This video features a delicious and mouth-watering cooking demonstration that showcases traditional Chinese New Year dishes, including dumplings and niangao.
  2. "Chinese New Year: A Foodie's Guide" by The Culture Trip: This video provides a guide to the traditional foods associated with Chinese New Year, including the significance of the dumpling and the niangao.
  3. "Chinese New Year: A Cooking Celebration" by The Chinese Cooking Demystified: This video features a cooking demonstration that showcases traditional Chinese New Year dishes, including the stir-fry and the braised pork belly.

I hope you enjoy these videos! Gong Xi Fa Cai!