China sees thaad deployment as weather vane under trump

A very astute observation!

Yes, the deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system in South Korea by the United States under the Trump administration has been seen by China as a significant development, and not just a military one.

In fact, China has viewed the THAAD deployment as a "weather vane" that reflects the Trump administration's overall approach to Asia-Pacific security and its intentions towards China. Here's why:

  1. Escalation of tensions: The THAAD deployment was seen as a provocative move by China, as it was perceived as a threat to its own military capabilities and a challenge to its regional influence. The deployment was also seen as a escalation of tensions between the US and North Korea, which China has historically sought to manage.
  2. Shift in US-China relations: The THAAD deployment was seen as a sign of a shift in the US-China relationship under the Trump administration. China had hoped that the US would adopt a more cooperative approach towards China, but the THAAD deployment was seen as a rejection of that approach.
  3. US pivot to Asia: The THAAD deployment was also seen as a manifestation of the US "pivot to Asia" strategy, which was announced by the Obama administration in 2011. This strategy aimed to rebalance US military and economic resources towards the Asia-Pacific region, and the THAAD deployment was seen as a key component of that strategy.
  4. China's concerns about US military presence: China has long been concerned about the growing US military presence in the Asia-Pacific region, and the THAAD deployment was seen as a further expansion of that presence. China has sought to maintain a balance of power in the region, and the THAAD deployment was seen as a threat to that balance.

In response to the THAAD deployment, China has taken several steps, including:

  1. Economic retaliation: China imposed economic sanctions on South Korea, including a ban on group tours to South Korea and restrictions on imports of South Korean goods.
  2. Military exercises: China has conducted military exercises near the Korean Peninsula, including joint exercises with North Korea.
  3. Diplomatic pressure: China has applied diplomatic pressure on the US and South Korea, including through high-level diplomatic visits and statements.

Overall, the THAAD deployment has been seen by China as a significant development that reflects the Trump administration's approach to Asia-Pacific security and its intentions towards China.