Reports say nigeria deployed warship troops to senegal to oust gambias jameh

I think there may be some misinformation or inaccuracies in the report you're referring to. Here's why:

  1. Nigeria and Senegal are both members of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), which promotes regional cooperation, peace, and stability. It's unlikely that Nigeria would deploy warship troops to Senegal, a fellow ECOWAS member, without a valid reason or authorization from the regional body.
  2. The report you mentioned appears to be referring to the Gambia, not Senegal. The Gambia is a small country located within Senegal, and it has a history of political instability. However, there is no credible evidence to suggest that Nigeria has deployed warship troops to Senegal to oust the Gambian government.
  3. The current president of the Gambia is Adama Barrow, not Yahya Jammeh. Jammeh was the former president of the Gambia who lost the 2016 presidential election to Barrow. Jammeh initially refused to step down, leading to a political crisis in the country. However, he eventually agreed to step down and leave the country in January 2017, after international pressure and a military intervention by ECOWAS forces.

It's possible that the report you're referring to is based on outdated or incorrect information. I would recommend verifying the report through reputable news sources and official statements from the governments involved to get a clearer understanding of the situation.