Avengers news interview girl

Here's a possible interview between a news anchor and a young girl who's a huge Avengers fan:

News Anchor: Good evening, I'm joined tonight by 10-year-old Emma, who's a huge fan of the Avengers. Emma, thanks for coming on the show!

Emma: Thanks for having me! I'm so excited to be here!

News Anchor: So, Emma, what's your favorite thing about the Avengers?

Emma: Oh, that's an easy one! I love Iron Man. He's so cool and smart, and his suit is amazing. I wish I had one just like it!

News Anchor: That's understandable! Iron Man is definitely a fan favorite. What do you think it is about the Avengers that makes them so special?

Emma: I think it's because they're all so different, but they work together to save the world. Like, Captain America is super strong and brave, and Black Widow is super sneaky and smart. And Thor is just... Thor! He's so funny and powerful. And then there's Hulk, who's just... well, he's the Hulk!

News Anchor: (laughs) That's a great point, Emma. The Avengers do have a diverse range of characters. Have you seen all the movies?

Emma: Yeah, I've seen them all! Well, my parents have seen them all, and they let me watch them with them. I love watching them together as a family.

News Anchor: That's great. So, what do you think about the new Avengers movie that's coming out?

Emma: Oh, I'm so excited! I've been counting down the days until it comes out. I've seen the trailer like, a million times. I love the new characters, like Captain Marvel and Black Panther. They're so cool!

News Anchor: Those are definitely some of the most popular characters in the Marvel universe. Do you have a favorite Avengers moment or quote?

Emma: Oh, yeah! My favorite quote is "I am Iron Man." It's just so cool and powerful. And my favorite moment is when the Avengers all come together to fight Ultron in the last movie. It's just so epic!

News Anchor: That is an epic moment. Well, Emma, thanks for chatting with us tonight. It's been great having you on the show.

Emma: Thanks for having me! This was so much fun!