Chibok girls mothers send message to worlds most powerful women

What a powerful and emotional message! Here's a possible message from the mothers of the Chibok girls to the world's most powerful women:

Message from the Mothers of the Chibok Girls

To the world's most powerful women,

We, the mothers of the Chibok girls, write to you today with a mix of emotions - hope, despair, and determination. Our daughters, 276 of them, were taken from us by the brutal hands of Boko Haram on April 14, 2014. Since then, we have been fighting for their safe return, and for justice.

We know that you, as powerful women, have the ability to make a difference in the world. You have the power to shape policies, to influence decisions, and to bring about change. We implore you to use your power to help us bring our daughters home.

We are not asking for much. We just want our daughters back, safe and sound. We want them to be reunited with their families, to continue their education, and to live their lives free from fear and oppression.

We know that you are busy women, with many demands on your time and attention. But we beg of you, do not forget about us. Do not forget about the Chibok girls, and the countless other women and girls who have been affected by conflict and terrorism.

We are not just statistics or news headlines. We are mothers, sisters, daughters, and friends. We are human beings, with hopes and dreams, with fears and anxieties. We are worthy of dignity, of respect, and of compassion.

We ask you to use your influence to:

We know that you are busy, but we also know that you are powerful. We know that you can make a difference. We implore you to use your power to help us bring our daughters home, and to create a world where no woman or girl has to suffer the same fate as ours.

Thank you for listening to our plea. We hope that you will join us in our fight for justice and for the safe return of our daughters.


The Mothers of the Chibok Girls