Charles soludo news

Charles Soludo is a Nigerian economist and politician who served as the Governor of Anambra State from 2007 to 2014. Here are some recent news updates about him:

  1. 2021 Gubernatorial Election: Soludo announced his intention to run for the office of Governor of Anambra State in the 2021 gubernatorial election. He won the election on November 6, 2021, and was inaugurated as the Governor of Anambra State on March 17, 2022.
  2. Economic Development: Soludo has been focusing on economic development in Anambra State, with a focus on agriculture, infrastructure, and job creation. He has also been working to improve the state's revenue generation and reduce its reliance on federal allocations.
  3. Security: Soludo has been working to improve security in Anambra State, which has been plagued by kidnapping and other forms of violence. He has established a new security outfit, the Anambra State Security Agency, and has been working with the federal government to improve security in the state.
  4. Infrastructure Development: Soludo has been working to improve infrastructure in Anambra State, including the construction of new roads, bridges, and other public facilities. He has also been working to improve the state's power supply and has launched a number of initiatives to promote private sector investment in the state.
  5. Education: Soludo has been working to improve education in Anambra State, with a focus on increasing access to quality education and improving the state's education infrastructure. He has also been working to promote vocational training and entrepreneurship in the state.

Some recent news articles about Charles Soludo include:

I hope this information is helpful!