Randy orton new photo

You're looking for a new photo of Randy Orton!

As a WWE superstar, Randy Orton is always in the spotlight, and his social media accounts are filled with updates and behind-the-scenes glimpses into his life. Here are a few recent photos of Randy Orton:

Latest Photos:

  1. WWE Raw (March 2023): Randy Orton shared a photo from the latest episode of WWE Raw, where he was seen taking on Riddle in a thrilling match. [Source: Randy Orton's Instagram]
  2. WrestleMania 39 (March 2023): Orton posted a photo from the iconic WrestleMania 39 event, where he was part of the main event match against Riddle. [Source: Randy Orton's Instagram]
  3. Behind-the-Scenes (February 2023): Randy Orton shared a photo from the WWE Performance Center, giving fans a glimpse into his intense training sessions. [Source: Randy Orton's Instagram]

Recent Photos:

  1. WWE SmackDown (February 2023): Orton posted a photo from the latest episode of WWE SmackDown, where he was seen taking on Drew McIntyre. [Source: Randy Orton's Instagram]
  2. WWE Royal Rumble (January 2023): Randy Orton shared a photo from the WWE Royal Rumble event, where he participated in the men's Royal Rumble match. [Source: Randy Orton's Instagram]
  3. WWE Raw (January 2023): Orton posted a photo from the latest episode of WWE Raw, where he was seen taking on AJ Styles. [Source: Randy Orton's Instagram]

Older Photos:

  1. WWE SummerSlam (August 2022): Randy Orton shared a photo from the WWE SummerSlam event, where he was part of the main event match against Riddle. [Source: Randy Orton's Instagram]
  2. WWE Money in the Bank (July 2022): Orton posted a photo from the WWE Money in the Bank event, where he won the men's Money in the Bank ladder match. [Source: Randy Orton's Instagram]
  3. WWE WrestleMania 38 (April 2022): Randy Orton shared a photo from the WWE WrestleMania 38 event, where he was part of the main event match against Riddle. [Source: Randy Orton's Instagram]

Please note that these photos are subject to change, and Randy Orton's social media accounts may have new photos available.