Charles eisenstein climate a new story

You're referring to Charles Eisenstein's book "Climate: A New Story"!

Published in 2018, "Climate: A New Story" is a thought-provoking book that challenges the conventional narrative around climate change and offers a fresh perspective on the issue. Eisenstein, a philosopher and author, argues that the climate crisis is not just an environmental problem, but a symptom of a deeper crisis in human consciousness and society.

Here are some key takeaways from the book:

  1. The climate crisis is a symptom, not the cause: Eisenstein contends that the climate crisis is a manifestation of a deeper crisis in human consciousness, which is characterized by separation, fragmentation, and disconnection from nature and each other.
  2. The problem is not human activity, but the story we tell ourselves: He argues that the climate crisis is not primarily caused by human activities such as burning fossil fuels, but rather by the story we tell ourselves about the world and our place in it. This story is based on a false assumption that humans are separate from nature and can dominate and control it.
  3. We need a new story, not just new technologies: Eisenstein emphasizes that we need a fundamental shift in our worldview and values, rather than just relying on new technologies or policies to address the climate crisis. He argues that we need to recognize our interconnectedness with nature and each other, and adopt a more holistic and regenerative approach to living.
  4. The climate crisis is an opportunity for transformation: Eisenstein sees the climate crisis as a wake-up call, an opportunity for humanity to transform and evolve. He argues that we can use this crisis to create a more just, equitable, and sustainable world, but only if we are willing to let go of our old story and adopt a new one.
  5. The solution lies in community and cooperation: Eisenstein emphasizes the importance of community and cooperation in addressing the climate crisis. He argues that we need to work together, share knowledge and resources, and adopt a more collaborative approach to solving the crisis.

Overall, "Climate: A New Story" offers a thought-provoking and inspiring perspective on the climate crisis, encouraging readers to think beyond the conventional solutions and to envision a more transformative and regenerative future.