Chapman 2017 fake news

You're referring to the infamous "Pizzagate" conspiracy theory that emerged in 2016, not 2017.

"Pizzagate" was a baseless conspiracy theory that claimed that a Washington, D.C. pizzeria, Comet Ping Pong, was the location of a child sex trafficking ring run by high-ranking Democratic officials, including Hillary Clinton. The theory was fueled by false information and misinformation spread on social media, particularly on 4chan and Reddit.

The conspiracy theory was completely debunked, and it was revealed that the pizzeria was simply a family-owned business that served pizza and hosted events for children. The owner of the pizzeria, James Alefantis, was subjected to harassment and death threats, and the pizzeria was vandalized.

On December 4, 2016, a man named Edgar Maddison Welch entered the pizzeria with a gun, claiming he was there to "self-investigate" the alleged child sex trafficking ring. He fired a shot inside the pizzeria, but no one was injured. Welch was arrested and charged with felony charges.

The incident highlighted the dangers of spreading false information and conspiracy theories, and the need for fact-checking and critical thinking. It also led to increased scrutiny of social media platforms and their role in spreading misinformation.

It's worth noting that the term "fake news" was often used by President Donald Trump and his supporters to describe mainstream media outlets that reported on the conspiracy theory, rather than the conspiracy theory itself. However, the term "fake news" has since been widely criticized for its lack of definition and its potential to be used as a tool to discredit legitimate journalism.