Current time in new orleans louisiana

The current time in New Orleans, Louisiana is:

Central Standard Time (CST)

Please note that New Orleans observes Central Standard Time (CST) during standard time and Central Daylight Time (CDT) during daylight saving time.

If you want to know the current time in New Orleans, you can check the following:

  1. Online Time Zone Converters: You can use online time zone converters like WorldTimeBuddy or TimeAndDate to get the current time in New Orleans.
  2. Local News Websites: You can check local news websites like or The Times-Picayune to get the current time in New Orleans.
  3. Mobile Apps: You can download mobile apps like World Clock or Time Zone to get the current time in New Orleans.

Please note that the time in New Orleans may be different from your current location, depending on your time zone.