Chaos rocked uganda parliament over constitution amendment #comments

It seems like there was a significant event in Uganda's parliament regarding a constitutional amendment. Here's a summary based on available information:

Chaos Rocks Uganda Parliament Over Constitution Amendment

On [date], the Ugandan parliament was thrown into chaos as lawmakers clashed over a proposed amendment to the country's constitution. The amendment, which aimed to extend the term of the current president, Yoweri Museveni, sparked heated debates and physical altercations among MPs.


The proposed amendment sought to remove the two-term limit for the president, allowing Museveni to run for re-election beyond his current term. The move was seen as a bid to consolidate power and extend Museveni's 35-year rule.

Parliamentary Chaos

As the debate began, opposition MPs vehemently opposed the amendment, citing concerns about the erosion of democratic institutions and the concentration of power. Pro-government MPs, on the other hand, argued that the amendment was necessary to ensure stability and continuity in the country.

The tension escalated as opposition MPs attempted to disrupt the proceedings, leading to scuffles and shouting matches with government supporters. The Speaker of Parliament, Rebecca Kadaga, struggled to maintain order, eventually adjourning the session to prevent further chaos.


The proposed amendment has been widely criticized by opposition parties, civil society organizations, and international observers, who view it as a threat to democracy and human rights in Uganda.

What's Next?

The fate of the proposed amendment remains uncertain, as the Ugandan government has vowed to push forward with the changes. The opposition has vowed to continue resisting the move, and the international community is closely monitoring the situation.

Your Thoughts?

What do you think about the proposed constitutional amendment in Uganda? Should the president be allowed to serve beyond the two-term limit? Share your comments below!