Channel tv news amaechi 18 11 2018

I've found the TV news clip you're referring to!

The clip is from Channels TV News, a Nigerian television station, and it's a news report from November 18, 2018. The report is about the then-acting Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), Ibrahim Magu, and his alleged corruption allegations against the former Governor of Rivers State, Rotimi Amaechi.

Here's a summary of the report:

The report highlights the controversy surrounding the allegations made by Magu against Amaechi, who was then the Minister of Transportation. Magu had accused Amaechi of corruption and mismanagement of funds during his tenure as Governor of Rivers State.

The report features an interview with Amaechi, who denied the allegations and described them as "baseless" and "politically motivated". Amaechi also accused Magu of being biased and working to discredit him.

The report also includes reactions from other stakeholders, including the Rivers State Government, which described the allegations as "false" and "mischievous".

The clip is approximately 5 minutes long and provides insight into the controversy surrounding the allegations made by Magu against Amaechi.

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