Channel news asia archive

Channel News Asia (CNA) is a Singaporean English-language news channel that provides news and current affairs programming to audiences in Asia and around the world. Here are some ways to access the CNA archive:

  1. CNA Website: CNA's website ( has an extensive archive of news articles, videos, and podcasts dating back to 2000. You can search for specific topics, keywords, or dates to access archived content.
  2. CNA YouTube Channel: CNA's YouTube channel ( has a vast collection of videos, including news clips, documentaries, and live streams. You can search for specific topics or keywords to find archived content.
  3. CNA Podcasts: CNA produces several podcasts on various topics, including news, current affairs, and lifestyle. You can access archived podcasts on the CNA website or through popular podcast platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts.
  4. CNA Archives on Demand: CNA offers an "Archives on Demand" service, which allows users to access archived content, including news articles, videos, and podcasts, for a fee. This service is available on the CNA website.
  5. National Library Board (NLB) Singapore: The NLB Singapore has a vast collection of CNA archives, including news articles, videos, and podcasts, which are available for public access. You can visit the NLB website ( to access the archives.
  6. Singapore National Archives: The Singapore National Archives also has a collection of CNA archives, including news articles, videos, and podcasts, which are available for public access. You can visit the National Archives website ( to access the archives.

Please note that some archived content may be subject to copyright restrictions or may not be available due to technical issues.