Coronavirus and the hygiene product profiteers

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a surge in demand for hygiene products, such as hand sanitizers, masks, and disinfectants. This increased demand has created opportunities for profiteers to take advantage of the situation. Here are some examples:

  1. Price gouging: Some retailers and online sellers have been accused of price gouging, charging exorbitant prices for hygiene products. For example, a bottle of hand sanitizer that normally costs $5 might be sold for $50 or more.
  2. Fake products: Scammers have been selling fake or low-quality hygiene products, including hand sanitizer, masks, and disinfectants. These products may not be effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19, putting consumers at risk.
  3. Overcharging for shipping: Some online sellers have been charging excessive shipping fees for hygiene products, taking advantage of the high demand and limited supply.
  4. Middlemen profiteering: Middlemen, such as distributors and wholesalers, have been buying up hygiene products at low prices and reselling them at inflated prices, making a significant profit.
  5. Lack of transparency: Some companies have been accused of not being transparent about their pricing, ingredients, or manufacturing processes, making it difficult for consumers to make informed purchasing decisions.

Examples of companies that have been accused of profiteering during the pandemic include:

  1. Hand sanitizer manufacturer, Purell: Purell, a leading hand sanitizer manufacturer, was accused of price gouging and profiteering during the pandemic. The company was criticized for increasing the price of its hand sanitizer from $5 to $20 per bottle.
  2. Mask manufacturer, 3M: 3M, a leading mask manufacturer, was accused of price gouging and profiteering during the pandemic. The company was criticized for increasing the price of its masks from $1 to $10 per mask.
  3. Online retailer, Amazon: Amazon was accused of allowing price gouging on its platform during the pandemic. The company was criticized for not doing enough to prevent price gouging and profiteering on its platform.

To avoid falling victim to profiteers, consumers can take the following steps:

  1. Research and compare prices: Research different retailers and compare prices to find the best deals.
  2. Check for authenticity: Verify the authenticity of products and check for reviews and ratings from other customers.
  3. Be cautious of shipping fees: Be wary of excessive shipping fees and consider alternative retailers that offer free shipping or lower shipping fees.
  4. Support local businesses: Consider supporting local businesses and small retailers that may offer more competitive pricing and better customer service.
  5. Report price gouging: Report any instances of price gouging or profiteering to the relevant authorities, such as the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in the United States.

It's essential to prioritize public health and safety during the pandemic, and consumers should be cautious when purchasing hygiene products to avoid falling victim to profiteers.