Catholic news in ordaining married men as priest

You're referring to the ongoing discussion and exploration within the Catholic Church about the possibility of ordaining married men as priests. Here are some recent news updates on this topic:

  1. Pope Francis opens door to married men becoming priests: In 2019, Pope Francis announced that he was considering allowing married men to become priests in the Amazon region, where there is a shortage of priests. This move was seen as a significant departure from traditional Catholic teaching, which has long held that priests must be celibate.
  2. Synod on the Amazon: In October 2019, the Catholic Church held a Synod on the Amazon, which was attended by bishops from around the world. The synod discussed various topics, including the possibility of ordaining married men as priests. While no definitive decisions were made, the synod's final document called for a "more inculturated" priesthood, which could include the ordination of married men.
  3. Pope Francis establishes commission to study married priests: In 2020, Pope Francis established a commission to study the possibility of ordaining married men as priests. The commission, which includes experts from around the world, is tasked with exploring the theological and practical implications of such a move.
  4. First married priest ordained in the Amazon: In June 2020, a married man was ordained as a priest in the Amazon region, marking a significant milestone in the Church's exploration of this issue. The ordination was performed by Bishop Erwin Kräutler, who has been a vocal advocate for the ordination of married men.
  5. Vatican official says married priests could be a 'new normal': In a recent interview, Cardinal Luis Ladaria, the head of the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, suggested that the ordination of married men could become a "new normal" in the Church. He noted that the Church is facing a shortage of priests and that the ordination of married men could help address this issue.
  6. Bishops' conference in Germany supports married priests: In 2020, the German Bishops' Conference voted in favor of allowing married men to become priests. The move was seen as a significant step towards greater flexibility in the Church's priestly formation process.

It's worth noting that while there is growing support for the ordination of married men, there are still many challenges and controversies surrounding this issue. Some argue that the Church's tradition of celibacy is essential to the priesthood, while others see the ordination of married men as a necessary step towards greater inclusivity and diversity in the Church.