Category trending news twitter trends

Here are some of the trending news and Twitter trends:

Trending News:

  1. COVID-19: The pandemic continues to spread globally, with new cases and deaths reported daily.
  2. US Presidential Election: The 2024 presidential election is heating up, with candidates like Joe Biden, Donald Trump, and Kamala Harris making headlines.
  3. Iran-US Conflict: Tensions between Iran and the US have escalated, with the US imposing sanctions on Iran and Iran threatening to retaliate.
  4. Hong Kong Protests: Pro-democracy protests continue in Hong Kong, with clashes between protesters and police resulting in injuries and arrests.
  5. Climate Change: The impact of climate change is being felt globally, with extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and devastating wildfires making headlines.

Twitter Trends:

  1. #COVID19: The official hashtag for the pandemic, with millions of tweets daily.
  2. #Election2024: The official hashtag for the US presidential election, with candidates and supporters sharing their views and opinions.
  3. #IranUS: The hashtag for the conflict between Iran and the US, with both sides sharing their perspectives and reactions.
  4. #HongKongProtests: The hashtag for the pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong, with protesters and supporters sharing their experiences and demands.
  5. #ClimateAction: The hashtag for the global movement to address climate change, with activists and leaders sharing their efforts and initiatives.

Other Trending Topics:

  1. Sports: The NBA, NFL, and MLB playoffs are in full swing, with fans sharing their reactions and predictions.
  2. Entertainment: New movies and TV shows are being released, with fans sharing their reviews and opinions.
  3. Technology: New gadgets and innovations are being announced, with tech enthusiasts sharing their thoughts and reactions.
  4. Politics: Political news and scandals are making headlines, with politicians and pundits sharing their views and opinions.
  5. Social Justice: Social justice movements and issues are being discussed, with activists and leaders sharing their perspectives and demands.

Note: These are just some of the trending news and Twitter trends, and the topics may vary depending on the region and time zone.