New dr strange movie

You're referring to the upcoming Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness movie!

Here are some exciting updates and rumors about the film:

Release Date: Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is scheduled to hit theaters on May 6, 2022.

Plot: The movie will follow Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) as he explores the multiverse, which has been opened by the events of Spider-Man: No Way Home. The film will reportedly delve into the concept of the multiverse, introducing new characters and storylines.

New Characters: Elizabeth Olsen is set to reprise her role as Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch, who will play a significant part in the movie. Additionally, Xochitl Gomez will join the cast as America Chavez, a young Latina superhero who can travel through dimensions.

Rumored Plot Points:

  1. The Multiverse: The movie will explore the concept of the multiverse, which has been introduced in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). This could lead to cameos from other Marvel characters from different dimensions.
  2. Wanda's Story: Wanda's character will likely play a central role in the movie, possibly exploring her backstory and motivations.
  3. The Dark Dimension: There are rumors that the movie will introduce the Dark Dimension, a realm from the Marvel Comics universe, which could lead to a confrontation with Dormammu, the ruler of the Dark Dimension.
  4. The Illuminati: There are whispers about the Illuminati, a secret society of powerful beings, making an appearance in the movie. This could include characters like Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic), Black Bolt, and Namor the Sub-Mariner.


  1. Director: Sam Raimi (Evil Dead, Spider-Man trilogy) is set to direct the movie, bringing his horror expertise to the project.
  2. Script: Michael Waldron (Loki, Heels) is writing the screenplay, which is rumored to be heavily influenced by the Marvel Comics storyline "The Multiverse of Madness."
  3. Production: Filming is expected to begin in early 2021, with a reported budget of around $150 million.

Keep in mind that these are just rumors and speculations, and the actual plot and characters may differ from what's been reported. We'll have to wait and see what the final product looks like!

Are you excited about the new Doctor Strange movie?