Cant create new folder on windows 10

Frustrating! Don't worry, I'm here to help you troubleshoot the issue. Here are some possible solutions to help you create a new folder on Windows 10:

  1. Check permissions: Make sure you have the necessary permissions to create a new folder. Right-click on the folder you want to create a new folder in and select "Properties". Go to the "Security" tab and ensure that your user account has the "Create folders" permission.
  2. Check for disk space: Ensure that you have enough free disk space on the drive where you're trying to create the folder. You can check the available disk space by going to File Explorer, right-clicking on the drive, and selecting "Properties".
  3. Check for file system errors: Corrupted file system errors can prevent you from creating new folders. Run the built-in Check Disk (chkdsk) utility to scan and fix any errors:
    • Press the Windows key + X and select "Command Prompt (Admin)".
    • Type chkdsk C: (replace C: with the drive letter you're trying to create the folder on) and press Enter.
  4. Disable any running antivirus software: Sometimes, antivirus software can interfere with folder creation. Try disabling your antivirus software temporarily and see if you can create the folder.
  5. Check for conflicts with other applications: If you're using an application that's running in the background, it might be preventing you from creating a new folder. Try closing any unnecessary applications and see if you can create the folder.
  6. Try creating a folder in a different location: If you're unable to create a folder in a specific location, try creating one in a different location, such as the desktop or documents folder.
  7. Reset Windows Explorer: If none of the above solutions work, try resetting Windows Explorer:
    • Press the Windows key + R to open the Run dialog box.
    • Type taskkill /im explorer.exe and press Enter.
    • Wait for a few seconds and then type explorer.exe and press Enter to restart Windows Explorer.
  8. System File Checker (SFC) scan: Run an SFC scan to check for any corrupted system files:
    • Press the Windows key + X and select "Command Prompt (Admin)".
    • Type sfc /scannow and press Enter.
  9. Re-register Windows Explorer: If the above solutions don't work, try re-registering Windows Explorer:
    • Press the Windows key + R to open the Run dialog box.
    • Type regsvr32 shell32.dll and press Enter.
    • Wait for the process to complete and then try creating a new folder.

If none of these solutions work, you may want to consider seeking further assistance from Microsoft Support or a Windows expert.