Cant bid with a new ebay account


There are a few reasons why you might not be able to bid with a new eBay account:

  1. Account age: eBay has a minimum account age requirement to bid on certain items. If your account is new, it might not be old enough to bid on certain items.
  2. Feedback: eBay requires a minimum amount of feedback to bid on certain items. If your account is new, you might not have enough feedback to meet this requirement.
  3. Account verification: eBay may require you to verify your account before you can bid. This is a security measure to prevent fraudulent activity.
  4. Bid limit: eBay has a bid limit for new accounts to prevent abuse. This limit is usually set at a low amount, so you might not be able to bid on high-priced items.
  5. Item restrictions: Some sellers may restrict bidding to only registered bidders or bidders with a certain amount of feedback.

To resolve this issue, you can try the following:

  1. Wait a few days: If your account is new, try waiting a few days before attempting to bid. This might give your account enough time to mature and meet the minimum requirements.
  2. Check your account status: Log in to your eBay account and check your account status. If it says "New account" or "Unverified," you might need to wait or take additional steps to verify your account.
  3. Check the item's restrictions: Before bidding, check the item's description or seller's policies to see if there are any restrictions on bidding.
  4. Contact eBay support: If you're still having trouble bidding, you can contact eBay support for assistance. They can help you resolve any issues with your account or provide more information on the bidding requirements.

Remember to always follow eBay's policies and guidelines when bidding on items. Happy bidding!