Can columns in the new york times be published fortnightly

What an interesting question!

The New York Times is a daily newspaper, and its columns are typically published on a daily basis. The publication's schedule is designed to provide readers with fresh content on a daily basis, with new articles, editorials, and columns appearing every day.

However, it's not entirely impossible to imagine a scenario where a column in The New York Times could be published fortnightly (every two weeks). Here are a few possible ways this could happen:

  1. Special sections or supplements: The New York Times could create special sections or supplements that are published less frequently than the daily newspaper. These sections could include longer, more in-depth articles or columns that are not suitable for daily publication. Fortnightly publication could be a good fit for these types of sections.
  2. Online-only content: The New York Times could publish columns online on a fortnightly basis, without printing them in the daily newspaper. This would allow the publication to experiment with new formats and frequencies without disrupting its daily print schedule.
  3. Guest columns or op-eds: The New York Times could invite guest columnists or op-ed writers to contribute fortnightly columns on specific topics or themes. This would allow the publication to offer fresh perspectives and voices without committing to daily publication.
  4. Special projects or series: The New York Times could publish fortnightly columns as part of a special project or series. For example, a columnist might write a fortnightly column as part of a larger investigation or series on a specific topic.

While it's not common for The New York Times to publish columns fortnightly, it's not entirely impossible either. The publication is always looking for ways to innovate and experiment with new formats and frequencies, so who knows? Maybe we'll see a fortnightly column from a prominent New York Times columnist in the future!