Can 75 gas take me 100miles away from new york

A classic question!

The answer depends on several factors, including the efficiency of the vehicle, driving habits, road conditions, and the weight of the vehicle.

A 75-gallon tank is a significant size, but it's not uncommon for modern vehicles to have larger tanks. Let's assume the vehicle is a typical passenger car or SUV with a decent fuel economy.

Here are some rough estimates:

Using these estimates, let's calculate the maximum distance the vehicle can travel on a full tank:

Now, let's consider the distance from New York to a point 100 miles away. This would be approximately:

Based on these calculations, it's clear that a 75-gallon tank can easily take you 100 miles away from New York, even with a less fuel-efficient vehicle like an SUV. In fact, you'd have plenty of fuel left over for further travel.

However, if you're planning a longer road trip, you should consider the total distance you'll be traveling and plan your fuel stops accordingly. It's always a good idea to check your vehicle's fuel capacity and estimate your fuel needs before embarking on a long journey.