Cameraman job in bbc news

A fascinating career path! Here's an overview of the role of a cameraman in BBC News:

Job Title: Cameraman (also known as Camera Operator or TV Cameraman)

Job Description:

As a cameraman in BBC News, you will be responsible for capturing high-quality video footage for news programs, documentaries, and other productions. Your primary role will be to operate a camera, capture footage, and ensure that the video is of the highest standard.

Key Responsibilities:

  1. Camera Operation: Operate a range of cameras, including HD and 4K cameras, to capture high-quality video footage.
  2. Story Planning: Work with producers and reporters to plan and prepare for shoots, ensuring that the footage meets the required standards.
  3. Location Shooting: Travel to various locations to capture footage, often in challenging environments, such as war zones, disaster areas, or remote locations.
  4. Lighting and Sound: Ensure that the lighting and sound are suitable for the shoot, using your knowledge of camera settings and techniques to achieve the desired results.
  5. Editing: Assist with editing footage, using software such as Avid or Adobe Premiere, to create a cohesive and engaging final product.
  6. Communication: Work closely with producers, reporters, and other crew members to ensure that the shoot runs smoothly and efficiently.
  7. Safety: Ensure your own safety and the safety of others while working in challenging environments.


  1. Technical Skills: Proficiency in camera operation, lighting, and sound recording.
  2. Creative Skills: Ability to think creatively and come up with innovative solutions to capture engaging footage.
  3. Communication Skills: Excellent communication and teamwork skills.
  4. Adaptability: Ability to work in fast-paced, dynamic environments and adapt to changing circumstances.
  5. Physical Demands: Ability to work in challenging environments, including extreme temperatures, and to lift and carry equipment.
  6. Education: Typically, a degree in a relevant field, such as film, television, or journalism.
  7. Experience: Several years of experience in camera operation, preferably in a news or broadcast environment.

How to Apply:

To apply for a cameraman role in BBC News, you can follow these steps:

  1. Check the BBC Jobs Website: Visit the BBC Jobs website and search for cameraman or camera operator roles in BBC News.
  2. Meet the Requirements: Ensure you meet the technical, creative, and physical requirements for the role.
  3. Tailor Your Application: Customize your CV and cover letter to highlight your relevant experience and skills.
  4. Prepare for Assessments: Be prepared to participate in assessments, such as interviews, tests, or practical exercises, as part of the application process.

Remember to stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends, technologies, and best practices to increase your chances of success in this competitive field. Good luck!