Cadd centre celebrating 30 years news

Here's a sample news article for the CADD Centre celebrating 30 years:

CADD Centre Celebrates 30 Years of Empowering Design and Engineering Professionals

[City, Date] - CADD Centre, a leading provider of computer-aided design and drafting (CAD) training and solutions, is celebrating a major milestone - 30 years of empowering design and engineering professionals across the globe.

Established in [Year] with a vision to bridge the gap between technology and education, CADD Centre has come a long way in shaping the careers of thousands of students and professionals in the design and engineering industry. Over the past three decades, the centre has evolved to keep pace with the rapidly changing landscape of technology and industry trends, offering a wide range of CAD training programs, certifications, and solutions to its clients.

"We are thrilled to mark this significant milestone in our journey," said [Name], Director, CADD Centre. "Our success is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team, as well as the trust and support of our clients and partners. We are proud to have played a role in shaping the careers of so many talented individuals in the design and engineering industry."

CADD Centre's 30-year journey has been marked by several significant milestones, including the introduction of new CAD software and technologies, expansion into new markets, and the development of innovative training programs and certifications. The centre has also partnered with leading industry players to offer customized training solutions and has established a strong presence in [Number] countries across [Region].

Throughout its history, CADD Centre has been committed to providing high-quality training and education to its students, with a focus on practical skills and industry-relevant knowledge. The centre's training programs are designed to equip students with the skills and expertise needed to succeed in the design and engineering industry, and have been recognized by industry leaders and employers as a benchmark for excellence.

To celebrate its 30-year anniversary, CADD Centre is planning a series of events and activities, including a special anniversary ceremony, a technology showcase, and a series of webinars and workshops on the latest CAD trends and technologies.

"We are excited to celebrate this milestone and look forward to many more years of empowering design and engineering professionals," said [Name]. "We are committed to continuing to innovate and adapt to the changing needs of the industry, and to providing our students and clients with the best possible training and support."

For more information about CADD Centre's 30-year anniversary celebrations, please visit [Website URL].