Tiktok no way meme

You're referring to the popular "No Way" meme that originated on TikTok!

For those who may not be familiar, the meme typically involves a person reacting to something unexpected or surprising with a mix of shock, disbelief, and humor. The reaction is often accompanied by the phrase "No way!" or a similar expression of astonishment.

The meme has become a staple on TikTok, with many users creating their own versions of the "No Way" reaction using various sounds, filters, and editing techniques. It's not uncommon to see a TikTok video featuring someone reacting to something ridiculous or unexpected, only to be met with a "No way!" and a dramatic flair.

The meme has also spread beyond TikTok, with many people using the phrase and reaction in everyday conversations, memes, and even music. It's a testament to the power of social media in creating and disseminating memes that can bring people together and make us laugh.

So, if someone says "No way!" to you, just know that they're probably referencing this iconic TikTok meme!