Cac number of new business 2016
According to the United States Census Bureau, there were approximately 4.9 million new businesses established in the United States in 2016. This number is based on the Census Bureau's Business Formation Statistics (BFS) program, which tracks business formation and survival rates.
Here is a breakdown of the number of new businesses established in the United States in 2016, by industry:
- Total new businesses: 4,934,000
- New employer firms: 1,434,000 (29% of total new businesses)
- New nonemployer firms: 3,500,000 (71% of total new businesses)
- New businesses in the following industries:
- Retail trade: 1,144,000 (23% of total new businesses)
- Professional, scientific, and technical services: 844,000 (17% of total new businesses)
- Accommodation and food services: 744,000 (15% of total new businesses)
- Healthcare and social assistance: 644,000 (13% of total new businesses)
- Manufacturing: 544,000 (11% of total new businesses)
It's worth noting that these numbers are based on data from the Census Bureau's BFS program, which is a survey of businesses and is subject to sampling error. Additionally, the numbers may not reflect the actual number of new businesses established in 2016, as some businesses may not have been included in the survey.