Byu i new student check list

Congratulations on your decision to attend Brigham Young University (BYU)! Here is a comprehensive checklist to help you prepare for your new student experience:

Before Arrival

  1. Confirm your enrollment: Make sure you've confirmed your enrollment by logging into your BYU account and checking your student status.
  2. Complete online orientation: BYU offers an online orientation to help you prepare for your academic and social experiences. Complete the orientation by the deadline to ensure you're ready for your first day.
  3. Set up your BYU account: Create your BYU account and set up your email, password, and other account settings.
  4. Apply for financial aid: If you haven't already, apply for financial aid by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
  5. Secure housing: If you're a freshman or transfer student, you'll need to apply for on-campus housing. Apply early, as spaces fill up quickly.
  6. Purchase a laptop: BYU recommends that all students have a laptop for academic purposes. You can purchase a laptop from BYU's recommended vendors or bring your own.
  7. Download BYU apps: Download the BYU apps, including the BYU Mobile App, BYU Maps, and BYU Dining Services, to help you navigate campus and stay connected.

Upon Arrival

  1. Check-in at the Student Housing Office: If you're living on campus, check-in at the Student Housing Office to receive your room key and complete any necessary paperwork.
  2. Attend New Student Orientation: Attend the New Student Orientation, which includes a welcome session, academic advising, and a campus tour.
  3. Meet with your academic advisor: Meet with your academic advisor to discuss your course schedule, academic goals, and any questions you may have.
  4. Get your BYU ID: Pick up your BYU ID card, which will grant you access to campus facilities, including the library, recreation center, and dining halls.
  5. Set up your BYU email: Set up your BYU email account and check it regularly for important updates and announcements.
  6. Explore campus: Take some time to explore campus, get familiar with the buildings, and find your favorite spots.
  7. Attend campus events: Attend campus events, such as concerts, plays, and lectures, to get involved and meet new people.

Additional Tips

  1. Stay organized: Keep track of your assignments, deadlines, and appointments using a planner, calendar, or task list.
  2. Get involved: Join clubs, organizations, or volunteer groups to meet new people and develop new skills.
  3. Take care of yourself: Make time for exercise, healthy eating, and relaxation to maintain your physical and mental well-being.
  4. Seek help when needed: Don't hesitate to ask for help from your academic advisor, professors, or campus resources if you're struggling with coursework or personal issues.

Remember, your first year at BYU is an exciting time of discovery and growth. Stay focused, stay organized, and make the most of your experience!