Business news lesotho

Here are some recent business news articles from Lesotho:

  1. Lesotho's economy grows by 3.5% in 2020: The Lesotho government has announced that the country's economy grew by 3.5% in 2020, driven by the agriculture and manufacturing sectors. (Source: Lesotho Times)
  2. New bank opens in Lesotho: The Lesotho government has licensed a new bank, Lesotho Bank, which is expected to increase financial inclusion in the country. (Source: Business Lesotho)
  3. Lesotho's textile industry faces challenges: Lesotho's textile industry is facing challenges due to competition from other countries and a decline in demand from traditional markets. (Source: The Nation)
  4. Government launches initiative to promote local businesses: The Lesotho government has launched an initiative to promote local businesses and increase their competitiveness in the global market. (Source: Lesotho News Agency)
  5. Lesotho's tourism industry grows by 10%: Lesotho's tourism industry has grown by 10% in 2020, driven by the country's natural beauty and outdoor activities such as hiking and horse riding. (Source: Travel Lesotho)
  6. New solar power plant to be built in Lesotho: A new solar power plant is to be built in Lesotho, which will increase the country's electricity generation capacity and reduce reliance on imported energy. (Source: Energy Lesotho)
  7. Lesotho's agriculture sector faces challenges: Lesotho's agriculture sector is facing challenges due to climate change, pests, and diseases, which are affecting crop yields and food security. (Source: Farm Lesotho)
  8. Government launches program to support small businesses: The Lesotho government has launched a program to support small businesses and entrepreneurs, which will provide training, mentorship, and funding. (Source: Small Business Lesotho)
  9. Lesotho's construction industry grows by 15%: Lesotho's construction industry has grown by 15% in 2020, driven by government infrastructure projects and private sector investment. (Source: Construction Lesotho)
  10. New trade agreement with South Africa to benefit Lesotho: A new trade agreement between Lesotho and South Africa is expected to benefit Lesotho by increasing trade and investment between the two countries. (Source: Trade Lesotho)

These are just a few examples of recent business news from Lesotho. If you're looking for more information, I recommend checking out local news sources such as the Lesotho Times, Business Lesotho, and the Lesotho News Agency.