Bushiri news now

You're looking for the latest news about Prophet Shepherd Bushiri, a South African-based Malawian pastor and founder of the Enlightened Christian Gathering (ECG) church.

Here are some recent updates:

Recent Controversies:

  1. Fraud and Money Laundering Allegations: In 2020, Prophet Bushiri was arrested and charged with fraud and money laundering in South Africa. He was accused of defrauding his followers of millions of rand.
  2. Escape from South Africa: In 2020, Prophet Bushiri and his wife, Mary, fled South Africa and returned to Malawi, citing threats to their lives. The South African government had issued an arrest warrant for them.

Recent Developments:

  1. Return to Malawi: Prophet Bushiri has been living in Malawi since his return in 2020. He has continued to lead his church and has been involved in various charitable activities.
  2. New Church in Malawi: In 2022, Prophet Bushiri launched a new church in Lilongwe, Malawi, which has attracted thousands of followers.
  3. Controversy over COVID-19 Claims: In 2020, Prophet Bushiri claimed that he had a cure for COVID-19, which sparked controversy and criticism from medical professionals.

Recent Interviews and Statements:

  1. Interview with Malawi News Agency: In a recent interview with the Malawi News Agency, Prophet Bushiri denied allegations of fraud and money laundering, saying they were politically motivated.
  2. Statement on Church Closure: In a statement, Prophet Bushiri announced that his church in South Africa would be closed temporarily due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Please note that the accuracy of the information provided may vary depending on the source. It's always a good idea to verify information through reputable news sources.