Prinx emmanuel god no go shame us ngmp3 com

It seems like you're asking for a song by Prinx Emmanuel titled "God No Go Shame Us" and you want to download the MP3.

Here's a possible solution:

  1. Search for the song on various music streaming platforms like YouTube Music, Spotify, Apple Music, or Google Play Music.
  2. If you can't find the song on these platforms, you can try searching for it on online music stores like iTunes or Amazon Music.
  3. If you still can't find the song, you can try searching for it on websites that offer free MP3 downloads, but be cautious of copyright infringement and ensure that the website is legitimate.

Here's a possible link to the song on YouTube:[insert video ID]

Please note that the availability of the song may vary depending on your location and the streaming platforms available in your area.

If you have any further questions or need help with finding the song, feel free to ask!