Buhari cloned news

You're referring to the conspiracy theory that President Muhammadu Buhari of Nigeria has been cloned. This rumor has been circulating online and in some sections of the media, claiming that the current President is not the original Buhari, but rather a lookalike or a clone.

It's important to note that there is no credible evidence to support this claim. The Nigerian government has repeatedly denied the rumors, and experts have pointed out that the supposed "cloning" would be impossible without leaving any trace or evidence.

In fact, the Nigerian government has released several videos and statements showing the President's activities and interactions with officials, which would be difficult to fake or stage. Additionally, many people who have met or interacted with the President have come forward to confirm his identity.

It's also worth noting that the President's health has been a subject of concern in the past, and some have speculated that he may have undergone medical treatment or surgery. However, there is no evidence to suggest that this would involve cloning or replacing him with a lookalike.

It's important to approach such conspiracy theories with a healthy dose of skepticism and to rely on credible sources of information. It's also important to remember that spreading false information can have serious consequences, including undermining trust in institutions and promoting misinformation.

In conclusion, while the rumors of President Buhari's cloning may be intriguing, there is no credible evidence to support this claim. It's important to rely on credible sources of information and to approach such conspiracy theories with a critical and open-minded perspective.