Buhari and trump meets fox news

What an interesting scenario! Here's a possible script:

(The scene is set in a luxurious hotel suite in Washington D.C. President Muhammadu Buhari of Nigeria and President Donald Trump of the United States are seated in a plush living room, surrounded by Fox News anchors and reporters. The atmosphere is lively and informal.)

Tucker Carlson: Gentlemen, welcome to Fox News! It's an honor to have you both here today.

President Buhari: Thank you, Tucker. It's a pleasure to be here.

President Trump: Believe me, folks, this is going to be a tremendous interview. The best.

Sean Hannity: So, Mr. President Buhari, let's start with the economy. Nigeria has been facing some challenges, including a recession in 2016. How do you plan to stimulate growth and create jobs?

President Buhari: Thank you, Sean. We're taking steps to diversify our economy, investing in infrastructure, and promoting agriculture and manufacturing. We're also working to improve the business environment and attract foreign investment.

Tucker Carlson: That sounds like a solid plan. Mr. President Trump, what advice would you give to President Buhari on how to boost Nigeria's economy?

President Trump: Well, Tucker, I think Nigeria has tremendous potential. I would tell President Buhari to focus on reducing bureaucracy and regulations, and to make it easier for businesses to operate in the country. And of course, he should build a wall... I mean, a border wall to keep out all the bad guys and terrorists.

Laura Ingraham: (laughs) Ah, Mr. President Trump, always the builder!

President Buhari: (laughs) Well, I think we'll take that under consideration, Mr. President Trump. But we're also working to improve our infrastructure, including our roads and ports.

Hannity: That's great to hear, Mr. President Buhari. Mr. President Trump, what do you think about the situation in Nigeria with Boko Haram and other terrorist groups?

President Trump: Well, Sean, I think Nigeria has a big problem on its hands. We need to work together to defeat these terrorists and bring peace to the region. I've spoken to President Buhari about this, and I believe we can make a big difference if we work together.

Carlson: That's music to our ears, Mr. President Trump. And finally, Mr. President Buhari, what do you think about the relationship between Nigeria and the United States?

President Buhari: Well, Tucker, I think our relationship is strong and growing stronger. We appreciate the support of the United States in our fight against terrorism and in our economic development efforts.

Trump: (interrupting) And let me tell you, folks, our relationship is going to be tremendous. Believe me, it's going to be yuge.

(The interview ends with a lively discussion and a photo opportunity with the two presidents and the Fox News anchors.)

This script is purely fictional, of course, but it gives you an idea of what the conversation might look like if President Buhari and President Trump were to meet with Fox News anchors.