Aleppo rebel evacuation under way after ceasefire deal

The evacuation of rebels from eastern Aleppo has begun, following a ceasefire deal between the Syrian government and opposition groups. The deal, brokered by Russia and Turkey, aims to bring an end to the devastating conflict in Aleppo, which has been the subject of intense fighting and bombardment for years.

According to reports, the first batch of rebels and their families has left the city, with hundreds more expected to follow in the coming hours. The evacuation is being carried out under the supervision of Russian and Turkish military personnel, who are ensuring that the ceasefire holds and that the rebels are able to leave the city safely.

The deal was announced on Thursday, after months of intense fighting and bombardment in Aleppo. The city has been the subject of a brutal siege by government forces, which has left thousands of civilians trapped and without access to basic necessities such as food, water, and medical care.

The evacuation deal is seen as a major breakthrough in the conflict, which has been ongoing since 2011. It is hoped that the deal will bring an end to the fighting in Aleppo, and pave the way for a wider political settlement to the conflict.

However, the deal has been met with criticism from some opposition groups, who have accused the government of violating the terms of the agreement. The government has been accused of using the ceasefire to launch new attacks on rebel-held areas, and of failing to provide safe passage for rebels and their families.

Despite these concerns, the evacuation of rebels from eastern Aleppo is seen as a major step forward in the conflict. It is hoped that the deal will bring an end to the suffering of civilians in the city, and pave the way for a more peaceful and stable future for Syria.

Here are some key points about the evacuation deal: