Buddypress news feed plugin

There are several BuddyPress news feed plugins available that can help you create a news feed on your BuddyPress-powered community site. Here are a few popular ones:

  1. BuddyPress Activity Stream: This plugin allows you to create a customizable activity stream that displays updates from your community members. You can filter the stream by activity type, date, and more.
  2. BP News Feed: This plugin creates a news feed that aggregates updates from your community members, including posts, comments, and activity updates. You can customize the feed's layout and appearance.
  3. BuddyPress Latest Activity: This plugin displays the latest activity updates from your community members, including posts, comments, and activity updates. You can customize the display and add filters.
  4. BP Stream: This plugin creates a customizable stream that displays updates from your community members, including posts, comments, and activity updates. You can filter the stream by activity type, date, and more.
  5. BuddyPress News: This plugin creates a news feed that aggregates updates from your community members, including posts, comments, and activity updates. You can customize the feed's layout and appearance.
  6. Activity Stream Pro: This plugin is an extension of the BuddyPress Activity Stream plugin and adds more features, such as customizable filters, sorting, and display options.
  7. BuddyPress Feed: This plugin creates a customizable feed that displays updates from your community members, including posts, comments, and activity updates. You can filter the feed by activity type, date, and more.

These plugins can help you create a news feed on your BuddyPress-powered community site, but you may need to customize them to fit your specific needs. Be sure to check the plugin documentation and reviews to ensure that the plugin is compatible with your BuddyPress version and meets your requirements.