Top dentist in new york

Here are some of the top dentists in New York, based on online reviews and ratings:

  1. Dr. Lawrence Spindler - Manhattan Dental Spa (Upper East Side)
    • 5-star rating on Yelp, Google, and Healthgrades
    • Specializes in cosmetic dentistry, implants, and sedation dentistry
  2. Dr. David Frey - Frey Dental (Upper East Side)
    • 5-star rating on Yelp, Google, and Healthgrades
    • Specializes in general dentistry, orthodontics, and pediatric dentistry
  3. Dr. Steven Levine - Steven Levine DDS (Midtown West)
    • 5-star rating on Yelp, Google, and Healthgrades
    • Specializes in general dentistry, implants, and sedation dentistry
  4. Dr. Michael Apa - Michael Apa DDS (Upper East Side)
    • 5-star rating on Yelp, Google, and Healthgrades
    • Specializes in cosmetic dentistry, implants, and orthodontics
  5. Dr. David H. Kim - David H. Kim DDS (Midtown East)
    • 5-star rating on Yelp, Google, and Healthgrades
    • Specializes in general dentistry, implants, and sedation dentistry
  6. Dr. Mark A. Lerner - Mark A. Lerner DDS (Upper West Side)
    • 5-star rating on Yelp, Google, and Healthgrades
    • Specializes in general dentistry, orthodontics, and pediatric dentistry
  7. Dr. Jeffrey M. Weiss - Jeffrey M. Weiss DDS (Upper East Side)
    • 5-star rating on Yelp, Google, and Healthgrades
    • Specializes in general dentistry, implants, and sedation dentistry
  8. Dr. Robert M. Goldstein - Robert M. Goldstein DDS (Midtown West)
    • 5-star rating on Yelp, Google, and Healthgrades
    • Specializes in general dentistry, orthodontics, and pediatric dentistry
  9. Dr. Steven J. Fischman - Steven J. Fischman DDS (Upper East Side)
    • 5-star rating on Yelp, Google, and Healthgrades
    • Specializes in general dentistry, implants, and sedation dentistry
  10. Dr. Michael J. Cohen - Michael J. Cohen DDS (Upper West Side)
    • 5-star rating on Yelp, Google, and Healthgrades
    • Specializes in general dentistry, orthodontics, and pediatric dentistry

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, and there are many other excellent dentists in New York. It's always a good idea to do your own research and read reviews from multiple sources before choosing a dentist.