Bshepherd bushiri news

You're looking for news about Shepherd Bushiri, a South African pastor and founder of the Enlightened Christian Gathering (ECG) church. Here are some recent news articles and updates about him:

Recent News:

  1. Extradition to South Africa: In February 2022, Bushiri and his wife, Mary, were arrested in Malawi and are facing extradition to South Africa to face charges of fraud, money laundering, and contravention of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act.
  2. Court Ruling: In March 2022, a Malawian court ruled that Bushiri and his wife could be extradited to South Africa, rejecting their application to have the extradition proceedings halted.
  3. Protests and Demonstrations: In response to the extradition ruling, thousands of Bushiri's followers protested in Malawi, calling for his release and accusing the government of persecuting him.
  4. Investigation into Church Finances: In April 2022, South African authorities launched an investigation into the finances of the ECG church, amid allegations of financial mismanagement and fraud.

Previous Controversies:

  1. Fraud and Money Laundering Allegations: In 2018, Bushiri was accused of fraud and money laundering by the South African Police Service (SAPS). He denied the allegations and claimed they were politically motivated.
  2. Escape from South Africa: In 2018, Bushiri and his wife fled South Africa to Malawi, where they claimed they were seeking asylum. The SAPS issued an arrest warrant for them, and they were later declared fugitives.
  3. Controversial Teachings: Bushiri's teachings have been criticized by some as being unorthodox and potentially harmful. He has been accused of promoting a "prosperity gospel" that emphasizes material wealth and success over spiritual growth and salvation.

Other News:

  1. Church Growth: Despite the controversies, the ECG church has continued to grow in popularity, with an estimated 3 million followers worldwide.
  2. Charity Work: Bushiri has been involved in various charity initiatives, including providing aid to vulnerable communities and supporting education and healthcare programs.
  3. Personal Life: Bushiri and his wife have six children together and are known for their lavish lifestyle, which has been criticized by some as being excessive and inappropriate for a pastor.

Please note that the accuracy and reliability of news articles about Bushiri may vary depending on the source. It's essential to approach news about him with a critical eye and consider multiple perspectives before forming an opinion.