Brymo the girl from new york

I think you may be referring to Brymo, the Nigerian singer-songwriter, and "The Girl from New York" being one of his popular songs!

"The Girl from New York" is a single from Brymo's 2012 album "Martyr's Refrain". The song is a soulful, melodic ballad that showcases Brymo's powerful vocals and storytelling ability. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of a romantic encounter between a man from Lagos and a woman from New York, exploring themes of love, distance, and longing.

Brymo, whose real name is Olawale Ashimi, is a critically acclaimed Nigerian singer-songwriter known for his unique vocal style, which blends elements of Afrobeats, R&B, and soul music. He has released several successful albums and singles, and has won numerous awards for his music, including the Headies Award for Best Vocal Performance (Male) and the Nigeria Entertainment Awards for Best R&B Single.

Do you have a favorite Brymo song or album?