Bruce springsteen new album

Exciting news! Bruce Springsteen has indeed released a new album, titled "Letter to You", on October 23, 2020. This is his 20th studio album and his first new studio album in five years.

"Letter to You" is a 12-track album that features Springsteen's signature heartland rock sound, with themes of love, loss, and redemption. The album was recorded with the E Street Band, Springsteen's longtime backing group, and was produced by Springsteen and Ron Aniello.

The album has received widespread critical acclaim, with many praising Springsteen's storytelling and the album's nostalgic yet contemporary sound. Some standout tracks include "Letter to You", "Burnin' Train", and "I'll See You in My Dreams".

If you're a fan of Springsteen, you won't want to miss this new album!