Brsnd new price of huawel p20 lite in nigeria slot

I think you meant "brand new price of Huawei P20 Lite in Nigeria Slot".

According to my knowledge cutoff, the Huawei P20 Lite is an older model, and its prices may have changed over time. However, I can try to provide you with some information on its current price in Nigeria Slot.

As of my knowledge cutoff in 2022, the brand new price of Huawei P20 Lite in Nigeria Slot is around ₦120,000 to ₦150,000 (approximately $250-$300 USD). Please note that prices may vary depending on the retailer, location, and availability.

Here are some prices from popular online retailers in Nigeria:

Please note that prices may change over time, and it's always a good idea to check with the retailer or online marketplaces for the latest prices. Additionally, you may be able to find deals or discounts on the Huawei P20 Lite, especially if you're willing to consider a refurbished or used device.