Broadcast news script example

Here is an example of a broadcast news script:


[Urgent music plays as the anchor, John, appears on screen with a serious expression]

John: "Good evening, I'm John Smith, and this is the evening news. We have breaking news tonight from the nation's capital, where a major scandal has rocked the government. Our top story tonight: the President's Chief of Staff has resigned amid allegations of corruption and abuse of power."


[Cut to a graphic with the headline "Chief of Staff Resigns Amid Scandal"]

John: "According to sources, the Chief of Staff, Mark Davis, has been under investigation for several months over allegations of embezzlement and misuse of government funds. The scandal has been growing in intensity, with several high-ranking officials already facing charges."

[Cut to a live shot of a reporter, Sarah, standing outside the White House]

Sarah: "John, I'm here outside the White House, where officials are scrambling to respond to the sudden resignation. The President has issued a statement expressing shock and disappointment, but many are calling for a full investigation into the allegations."


[Cut to a graphic with the headline "Economic Downturn Hits Local Businesses"]

John: "In other news, the economic downturn is having a devastating impact on local businesses. Our business reporter, Tom, has been investigating the effects on small businesses in the area."

[Cut to a live shot of Tom, standing in front of a small business]

Tom: "John, I'm here at 'Main Street Deli', a family-owned business that's been a staple in the community for decades. The owner, Maria, tells me that sales have dropped by over 50% in the past year, and she's struggling to keep the business afloat."


[Cut to a graphic with the headline "Weather Alert: Tornado Warning Issued"]

John: "And finally, a severe weather alert for our viewers tonight. A tornado warning has been issued for several counties in our viewing area, with a powerful storm system moving in from the west."

[Cut to a live shot of a meteorologist, Rachel, standing in front of a weather map]

Rachel: "John, I'm tracking this storm system, and it's looking like it could bring damaging winds and heavy rain to the area. We urge everyone to stay tuned to our weather updates and follow evacuation instructions if necessary."


[Closing music plays as John appears on screen again]

John: "That's all for tonight. Thank you for joining us. We'll be back tomorrow with more news and updates. In the meantime, stay safe and stay informed."

[Closing credits roll]

This script is just an example, but it gives you an idea of the structure and content of a broadcast news program.