Britains johnson condemns crazy brexit customs plan #comments

It seems like there's been a development in the Brexit saga!

According to reports, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has condemned a proposed Brexit customs plan as "crazy". The plan, which was put forward by a group of Conservative MPs, aims to create a new customs arrangement between the UK and the EU.

The plan, which has been dubbed the "Erasmus-style" customs arrangement, would see the UK and EU agree to a customs union-style arrangement, but with some key differences. The plan would allow the UK to set its own tariffs and trade policies, while still maintaining a close relationship with the EU.

However, Johnson has reportedly rejected the plan, calling it "crazy" and saying that it would undermine the UK's ability to negotiate its own trade deals with other countries.

The proposed plan has been met with criticism from some Conservative MPs, who argue that it would tie the UK too closely to the EU and limit its ability to negotiate its own trade deals. Others have argued that the plan would create uncertainty for businesses and could lead to a hard border between the UK and Ireland.

It's worth noting that the UK is currently in the process of negotiating its withdrawal agreement with the EU, and the proposed plan is just one of many ideas being floated as potential solutions to the complex issue of customs and trade.

What do you think about the proposed plan? Do you think it's a viable solution to the Brexit customs conundrum, or do you think it's a step in the wrong direction?