Coronavirus us admits failing on testing says fauci

You're referring to a recent news article!

Yes, according to a report by CNN, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), has acknowledged that the United States has failed to adequately test for the coronavirus.

In an interview with CNN, Fauci stated that the country's testing capacity has been "suboptimal" and that the US has not done enough to test for the virus, particularly in the early stages of the outbreak.

Fauci's comments come as the US has faced criticism for its slow response to the pandemic, including delays in testing and contact tracing. The country has also seen a surge in cases and hospitalizations in recent weeks, which has put a strain on the healthcare system.

Fauci's admission is significant because he is a key member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force and has been a leading voice on the pandemic response. His comments suggest that even some of the top experts in the field believe that the US has not done enough to combat the virus.

It's worth noting that the US has made significant progress in testing capacity in recent weeks, with the number of tests administered daily increasing from around 10,000 in March to over 1 million in July. However, Fauci's comments highlight the need for continued improvement in testing and contact tracing to effectively contain the spread of the virus.